| 1. | A key requirement of environmental management is the sustainable use of resources.
| 2. | The sustainable use of natural resources is commonly shared by member states.
| 3. | FairWild sustainable use projects are continuing successfully in various regions around the world.
| 4. | Sokolov was working for Russia's Institute for the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources.
| 5. | It has low maintenance and it is self sustainable using only solar energy.
| 6. | Natural resources and their sustainable use are in the focus of this ministry.
| 7. | AIMS is committed to the protection and sustainable use of Australia's marine resources.
| 8. | Over-fishing is the major problem for sustainable use of wetlands.
| 9. | Everybody's talking about the sustainable use of this land ."
| 10. | Basically, SNUC divides protected areas into two groups : Full protection and sustainable use.